Fayn Al Tbyh

Anesthesia & Pain Management

The gateway to pain-free surgery

Regional Anaesthesia

-NRFit®- The New Connection Standard in Regional Anesthesia

-Spinal Needles and Catheters for Atraumatic Spinal Anesthesia

-Nerve Blocks & Fascial Plane Blocks Single Shot and Continuous Products for Ultrasound -and Dual Guided Nerve Blocks

-Epidural & Caudal Catheters and Needles for Epidural and Caudal Anesthesia

-Combined Spinal-Epidural Needles and Catheter Sets for Combined Spinal-Epidural Anaesthesia

Pain Management


-Radio-Frequency Ablation


– Core Biopsy

– Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy